Russ speaks on Christian Braun and #0

Russ speaks on Christian Braun and #0

  1. I really hoppe Russ is gonna have a great season with the Nuggets.

    I like this response and its very good for the team.

  2. Love it. Message was direct and fun at the same time. Let’s keep this attitude all season!

  3. As a fan of OKC as much as Denver, I’m stoked to have Russ. He gets so much hate in some place but in Oklahoma it’s all love.

  4. Yea that story didn’t pass the smell test at all. Hope yall are paying attention to who pushes stuff like that.

  5. Love Russ Basketball or hate Russ Basketball, doesn’t matter. All respect to Russ the person!

  6. Perfect response from Russ.

    If this is true, where did the fake story even originate from? Shame on them

  7. I love Russ, dudes so humble and has such a good attitude, hope he can finally win a ring with us.

  8. You never hear any teammates speak poorly about him 💪💪 he has always been a class act. Only haters/talking heads speak poorly about him

  9. I’m imagining a Jamal and Russ side by side postgame press conference and its potential to be one of the most petty and sarcastic of all time

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