Both absolutely amazing teams but I lean 2024

Both absolutely amazing teams but I lean 2024

  1. Bro I would fucking cry having to dribble the ball towards KG barking at me. 24 getting their shit stomped paul pierce style 😔

  2. I think the 08 team would start Powe over Perk if they had to play the 24 team. 24 team would win regardless though. They were the best offense in league history for a reason.

  3. While I do understand the ’24 team went 16-3 and are all shooters and can defend, they didnt face better competition in the east than the 2008 celtics. Give me the 08 team.

  4. Perk is getting played off the floor easily. Would need to move KG to the 5 and start Powe, Posey probably closes to matchup with Tatum. But it would be close. Derrick White chasing Ray around would be basketball cinema. I’d bet on KG to win matchups against Porzingis & Horford. A lot of shit-talking between Pierce & JB. Really I think it would hinge on what version of Tatum shows up

  5. Just the 5v5? 24 probably wins with Kendrick being played off the floor. Whole squads? 08 probably wins, while 24’s bench is more complimentary to the starting lineup the 08 bench is better overall imo

  6. another hypothetical. amazing. they both played against different era teams. stuff like this makes no sense.

  7. 2024 wins no question. If 2024 Horford can guard Luka 1v1, he can guard Pierce 1v1. If 2024’s 6th man can guard 2008’s best best scorer, it’s an easy sweep.

  8. 08 was way better than they seem, they were tougher than they are now and all guys played both ways, no one more clutch than Allen too, no one, he was money every time

  9. What rules are we playing under? Flag football (2024) or tackle (2008)?

    Understand in each set of rules the other team has no center. Perkins sucks as a modern 5 and back then Porzingis would be a permanent four. Almost literally a weaker Pau Gasol

  10. It’s more a difference in era imo. Garnett growing up today probably is more of a 3 point shooter

  11. If KP is healthy I honestly don’t think the 08 team would win more than a game. KG would rough him up a bit, but very switch KP is frying anyone, and they don’t have answers for either of the Jays

  12. If we are talking about who would win in a series? Man, the 24 team would win every time. The 3 point shot has changed the game. Rondo can’t shoot. Kendrick would get played off the floor. Also, Garnett being stuck in the corner having to cover JB, Horford, or someone like that – takes away so much of what he did well defensively.

  13. Fucking love having Tatum play as PF for us. Just need him to channel that more on offense as well

  14. 2008, and frankly it’s not even all that close. The Big 3 are just on another level above anyone on the 2024 squad.

  15. 2024 would blow out 08. Just the difference in 3 point shooting is enough to make that a fact

  16. Call it recency bias, prisoner of the moment, being biased in general, etc.

    The 24 Celtics have the most complete and well rounded starting 5 in history. Great shooters, ELITE defenders, great passers, and can create their own offense. What starting 5 in history can say every single starter can check off all of those boxes?

    I’m sorry but 08 is getting 125 hung on them. The game has changed drastically. I’m taking the elite team in 2024 team over the elite team in 2008.

  17. I’ll forever believe the 2008 team was one of the most perfectly constructed and complimentary rosters ever. In today’s rules, swap out Big Perk for Posey in the starting lineup but otherwise, that roster is perfect. Table setter, best shooter ever at the time, certified bucket in Paul, KG, and Posey/TA as the other guy and absolute dog.

    2024 was a great team but I’m still taking 08 even though I feel incredibly blessed to have been able to root for both.

  18. Well, Tatum has proven to be a bit of a head case at times, not sure he does a whole lot against a team with KG, one the most psycho competitors ever

  19. So the 08 Celtics would immediately sub in Posey for Perkins and move KG to Center against the 24 Celtics. Posey would probably be on JT since he was picking up LeBron and Kobe a lot in those playoffs. But it needs to be said: 08 Rondo is not the Rondo you remember. He was extremely limited and very far away from the 2010 Rondo that owned the ECSF against LeBron. Dude couldn’t shoot from beyond 15 feet and he didn’t have that brain that made him so amazing yet

  20. I think the 2024 team is more talented, but it’s hard not to pick the team with KG on it. That guy is one of the most special players I’ve ever seen in real life. Every year he played here, I reminded myself not to take it for granted.

  21. There was too much dawg in the ’08 team for these boys to hang.

    Even Perk was like an angry Chow Chow.

  22. Will one goddamn person that posts this please tell me whether they mean 2024 basketball or 2008 basketball because the rules are totally different

    Meh ignore me. Just toss this on the pile with all the others

  23. 08 would need to change lineups and play KG at the 5, but I doubt Doc could make the adjustments necessary to cope with 24s spacing. If 08 could keep the game under 100, they could win.

  24. KG would fuck up the 24 team

    I don’t know who’d win in 7, but KG would destroy & Perk wouldn’t even see what the floor looks like

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