Devils Player Grid | Best Devil of ALL TIME

Holtz won the last one, I kinda hate that.

Btw if a forward is voted, he’ll be put in the best forward category prematurely, if a goalie is voted, he’ll be put in the best goalie category prematurely, but if a d-man is voted, I wont put them in the “best defender” category because it doesn’t explicitly state “best defenseman” (kinda should be a category though, I might replace a category for it. I think there’s a solid debate to be had there.)

  1. The fact that you and other people will hate that Holtz was voted most overrated only confirms how overrated he was.

  2. Is the question best player or best Devil? The best player to ever play in Jersey is undoubtedly Marty, but the best Devil is Mr. Devil himself.

    So I guess upvote this if you think Dano is the best Devil

  3. I was going to vote for Craig Billington but then i remembered about that guy Brodeur…

  4. A guy who wasn’t even here for 3 seasons is the most overrated devil of all time? That seems a bit silly.

  5. Martin Brodeur is the best player and goalie of all time. Are we not counting goalies in the “player” vote? Since they have their own category

  6. No failed Devils first round pick can ever be “overrated” … They were drafted by the organization and the only rating they had of any significance came when they were under 18 and not playing in the NHL yet. This goes against the definition of the word overrated. They were never truly rated at an NHL level in the first place, and therefore can never be overrated.

    If you want to create a box for biggest failed first round pick, go for it. But a failed first round pick in an overrated player are two completely different things.

    Now, other players like Subban, Ryder, and Camalleri (or Rolston v2.0) came in with a reputation, were big names, and a big deal. None of those four performed anywhere close to expectations. This is who should be considered overrated.

    Tl;Dr Holtz as overrated sucks.

  7. An anecdote: the same people that would argue with me about how the Devils “weren’t that good” before the league *literally had to change the rules to combat how good they were* during their run from 94-03 they would always follow up with “Brodeur isn’t Roy”. Or “Brodeur isn’t Hasek”. And of course some inevitable water head Rag fan would try to explain why Richter was better through some mental gymnastics because “Da TrAp WaS kIlLinG tHe GaMe!!!”

    In any event, the obtuse BS is irrelevant. Because you get to a point where you are just looking at such great goaltenders across Roy, Hasek, and Brodeur that you cannot settle it.

    In some conversations it’s impossible: Gretzky is not just the greatest hockey player but the greatest professional team-sport athlete of all time. Nobody is close. But the goalie argument can be brought up: Vezinas? Cups? MVPs?

    Which is where I conclude my long winded rant:
    If you watch baseball, who is a better pitcher all time, Greg Maddux or Bob Gibson? Because that is the crux of this: Maddux had 100 more wins than Gibson, but
    *They had to change the rules because Gibson was breaking the game and lowered the mound.*

    I don’t think anybody who actually watched Gibson would say that Maddux was even in the same realm as the guy, even though Maddux was a freak.

    The rules were changed because of Marty’s stickhandling and then you add that he has a very close to insurmountable amount of wins.

    Yeah greatest goalie ever. Greatest Devil ever.
    Nobody comes close. Not Stevens or Niedermayer.

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