Bill Walton (RIP Legend) wins best rim defender. Who is the most athletic Blazer of all time?

Bill Walton (RIP Legend) wins best rim defender. Who is the most athletic Blazer of all time?

  1. Shaedon Sharpe. I’ve never seen someone who jumps quite like him. Its not just his max vertical, which i’m sure is one of the highest in NBA history – but the way he glides and seems to just float in the air… Its special stuff.

  2. It may be a bit early, but Shaedon Sharpe is one of the best dunkers I’ve ever seen.

  3. Legit thinks its Shaedon, his rookie highlight reel is legendary – which is crazy to say….

  4. I want to say Shaw, but you always hear about how much of a physical freak Drexler was. Drexler

  5. My mind went to Travis outlaw. I remember hearing he could touch the top of the backboard at some point.

  6. Blazers held their pre-season exhibition at Civic Stadium one year and had a dunk contest. Drexler wowed everyone with a dunk on a 12-foot-high hoop.

  7. Brandon Roy if we had gotten him before the knee injuries in college.

    Clyde is the correct answer though.

  8. I’m kinda surprised nobody has mentioned Danny Ainge. Everybody on this thread’s idea of athleticism just seems to come down to vertical jumping ability. Is there maybe more to it than that?

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