[Kirschner] Aaron Boone on if he considered pinch-hitting for DJ in the 9th: “Not with Finnegan. Even though our lefties had some really good at-bats, he’s a killer against lefties. No, not there.” Lefties had a .636 OPS against Finnegan coming into tonight’s game.

[Kirschner] Aaron Boone on if he considered pinch-hitting for DJ in the 9th: “Not with Finnegan. Even though our lefties had some really good at-bats, he’s a killer against lefties. No, not there.” Lefties had a .636 OPS against Finnegan coming into tonight’s game.

  1. i just left that game. it was a disaster. like bad news bears. dj should have left with trevino

  2. We had 3 lefties get gets off him today lmao

    Though in fairness, his OPS allowed vs lefties is .100 lower than righties

  3. And yet Jazz hits a double, Wells a single, and Verdugo a single. Boone can’t save serious saying that nonsense out loud like we didn’t all just watch the same game.

  4. At what point does DJ Lemahieu’s .222 average vs Righties override anything else? If when you get the preferable matchup that you want for DJ he still… sucks, then who cares what the pitcher is proned to do R/L? That’s secondary.

    (Fun fact DJ is .154 vs lefties and got the start vs Corbin today for… reasons!)

  5. Yet another reminder that DJ has a 25 wRC+ against lefties.

    There’s no analytic that could possibly tell you a hitter with those overall numbers is the better option.

  6. He’s batting .434 OPS against lefties… in what world is that a “killer”?

  7. You had a switch hitter on the bench who’s batting .310 this month with a .907 OPS omg I’m going to self-immolate

  8. DJ shouldn’t even be on the team right now, let alone getting late game ABs in the last week of August.

  9. Regardless of what you think about how bad Boones fucked everything up…

    How big of a piece of shit is Kirschner?

    We used to have Lindsey Adler. She covered the Yankees seriously for the Athletic.

    She wouldn’t sprint out of the room to write a ragebait tweet while the press conference was still going on.

    He’s a clown. We deserve someone serious.

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