Confronting his demons saved Dave Canales’ marriage — and made Panthers coach an ‘optimist bully’

Awesome read posted today about coach canales, wanted to share it here

  1. I made peace a long time ago with the fact Canales is a bit weird, but then, so are the Harbaughs and they coach great football teams. Matt Rhule and Frank Reich were, on the other hand, aggressively normal.

  2. Nice to see such authenticity from the HC position. He’s already a winner off the field, if he can turn the Panthers into a contender, this hire was a home run.

  3. Narcissists can be really fantastic leaders as long as they keep their more toxic traits in check. Dude is a narcissist and an addict, chemical and sexual.

    We will see how he holds up during the worst of the worst pressure and I can’t imagine there’s more pressure in sports than coaching a struggling NFL team with an equally narcissistic owner and a CTE addled Yes Man as GM.

  4. This gives me the same vague uneasy feeling as a lot of the offseason coverage of Rhule and Reich gave me. Just a vibe like “what does that even mean and why are you telling me this?”

    Can’t wait to see some actual football so we can stop discussing weird shit.

  5. Great read. I’m really rooting for coach to be the ONE. We need it. The players deserve it.

  6. He is an attractive guy in a powerful position and plenty of time on the road. If he thought it was hard before…I wish him luck. Whatever he does on the outside of football is his business. I just hope it leads to wins

  7. Seeing some of the comments here makes me remember how miserable this fan base is. Quit letting the past failures of the franchise dog you and try having some optimism for once.

  8. Easy solution for him based on how a lot of sports teams operate is that he should be rooming with a guy that is specifically there to stop him doing anything dumb for his own welfare.

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