We have all seen enough. Get him out of the rotation.

  1. It would also help if the team didn’t collectively give up before the game even starts every time Walker is on the mound

  2. It’s not even just a schedule loss. It’s fucking demoralizing. I guarantee we have more hits today if the guys felt like that had a fucking chance to win. They all phoned that shit in because they all knew what we know.

  3. Funny . They took my post down for being negative about this dude . Like enough is enough . He has to go

  4. So happy they moved Taijuan’s start up and moved Sanchez back to tomorrow cause I’m going tomorrow. Thank you, Topper!!!

  5. The guy has always been mid. After the injury he’s been awful. I don’t think he’s an awful pitcher when healthy tho. That said, he shouldn’t start again for the Phillies.

  6. What’s the letter?!… What’s the letter?!… What’s the letter?! What’s the letter?! What’s the letter?!

  7. Bro, I don’t even want him in the organization at this point. Send him packing. He’s done in Philly

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