Story of August

Bounce back Thursday.


  1. The amount of bullpen games we’ve blown & games we played Zack Short & Joey Wendle as we were still punting the season. We legit could’ve been top of the Wild Card right now.

  2. Not really fair to put Mendoza on this image. In basically all of these games, minus the first Angels, he didn’t do anything egregious with the bullpen.

  3. He’s not as bad as that guy from a few years ago whose name I forced myself to forget, but it’s obvious he is a short term caretaker manager and he manages like one.

  4. Mendoza has completely mismanaged the entire pitching staff. There are games he takes out the starter for no apparent reason after 80 pitches through 5. He’s finally started to push starters a bit recently but then he has too short of a leash on his relievers. Mendoza has not been good.

  5. There was a lot of concern about the bullpen going into the season. The bullpen is still a problem. No need to act surprised.

  6. That was the story May aswell. Anyone know our record if we converted half of these blown games?

  7. Modern managers: keep changing pitchers 😆 that will show them that I’m a hands on manager

  8. Man, these losses do suck but let’s save the negativity for if/when we are mathematically eliminated. This is baseball folks… if you’re not ready for the ups and downs then enjoy football season ✌️

  9. Man iunno what the stats say for the year but we also had a couple walkoffs ourselves lately. That’s what’s close games are gonna be like, we’ll win some we’ll lose some.

    If you’re saying our late-game relievers are a weak point right now I’m not arguing with you. But you gotta put these games into context. We weren’t really supposed to compete this year anyway. It’s a game, can’t we just have fun.


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