The most wholesome Ceremonial First Pitch in baseball history! ๐Ÿพ

Shohei x Decoy

  1. I’m a big fan, and the first pitch went off great. I wouldn’t have minded, though, if Decoy got a case of the zoomies. That, too, would have been wildly entertaining.

  2. That dog has a full time walker, full time vet, full time chef, full time groomer, and full time bodyguard.

  3. The world is very depressing and scary right now so Iโ€™m just gonna need Shohei to keep doing shit at this level of adorableness, thank you for your service sir.

  4. They tortured poor Decoy with that stunt.

    Luckily a treat was all the medicine the goodboi needed to forget this.

  5. This was so much better than a couple of weeks ago where the Mets had the hawk tui or whatever gal throw out the first pitch!

  6. I LOVE that heโ€™s a Dodger. I love that HE loves being a Dodger. I love the Dodgers ๐Ÿ’™

  7. Who cut the fucking onions?! Damn, if this isn’t the definition of wholesome, I don’t know what is.

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