[knieshive] me blocking mitch marner from seeing the draisaitl extension aav

[knieshive] me blocking mitch marner from seeing the draisaitl extension aav

  1. Mitch and Drai may as well play in different leagues.


  2. Toxic Toronto Fans can’t wrap their puny little brains around the fact that Marns would be worshipped if he played for any of the other 31 teams. I don’t blame him for the attitude because of all the hate FROM LEAF FANS who are confused by actual stats but are butt-hurt cause they haven’t won a cup in my lifetime…55 years.
    Fuck all y’all…GO MITCH! GO LEAFS GO!!!

  3. Draisaitl’s cap hit has absolutely nothing to do with what Marner gets. If anything, his cap hit is based off Nylander and that’s it. They have their own internal structure.

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