Anthony Edwards wins funniest player! Day 6: Who’s our most annoying?

Anthony Edwards wins funniest player! Day 6: Who’s our most annoying?

  1. I replaced Traveon Graham with Jarrett Culver, by popular demand. We will now roll with the single highest upvoted comment.

    Also, changed up the template images and added more fun photos for the players instead of the generic stock photos, and listed the runner ups below each picture. Apparently the last OP didn’t like I used his starting place lol, so now it’s uniquely ours, Wolves fans!

    [Link to the last post for Funniest T-Wolves Player.](

  2. Teague. Annoying to watch play basketball and I don’t find his podcast as endearing as a commentator.

  3. I’d also like to point out that KG, Pek, and Ant all have the same facial expression.

    I hope you all have a wonderful day.

  4. Jeff Teague, for watching him piss the shot clock away and all his lame interviews after his playing career

  5. Despite how annoying the situation around Jimmy Butler ended up, the most annoyed I ever felt watching games was seeing Jeff Teague attempt to deflate the ball each and every possession before forcing a play. I can’t imagine Thibs play calls started at 8 seconds on the shot clock, but by golly that is what we got.

    Special mention to Andrew Wiggins, who would only remember how to play basketball against the Cavs.

  6. might be recency bias but i was annoyed with shake milton, everytime he checks in i know he will suck. FRUSTRATED THE HELL OUT OF ME.

  7. Jimmy is the worst, Slowmo should be RU. He screams at support staff and berated an injured Gobert.

  8. He won’t win, but I’ll vote for JJ Barea. I hated watching that dude play, and he got minutes over Rubio

  9. Who have I been the most annoyed at on a consistent basis? Karl-Anthony Towns. This is purely due to whining about calls.

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