Stephen Curry making a fan’s day by signing jersey at NBA Store NYC

Stephen Curry making a fan’s day by signing jersey at NBA Store NYC

  1. Look at how happy that young man was. It’s easy to get cynical about the sport from time to time but these types of moments and joy are so special.

    And we are sooooo lucky to have an ambassador like Steph.

  2. Just a small gesture can mean the world to a young child. I love how respectful the kid was with “Mr. Curry, would you sign my jersey”. More class than many adults I’ve seen…

  3. Very cute and wholesome! I’ve noticed that Steph will stop and sign things for fans way more than anyone else in the league. And he’s been like that for years so it’s not a PR thing to clean up his image.

    I know this is a meet and greet so it’s a little different, but it reminded me of all the vids I’ve seen of him interacting with fans.

  4. Mannn I remember when I was about his age in the 90s and I shook the hand of a semi pro player practicing at a gym once. Didn’t even know who he was and I wouldnt wash my hand until my mom made me. Can’t even IMAGINE what this would feel like

  5. Mr.Curry……man how times has changed.

    I’m use to hearing kids hollering “Steph , Steph” all the time.

    Don’t know how he is outside of this video but at least here he’s showing how his parents raised him

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