Dominique Wilkins – “It’s their time. We’ve had our time. But I hate when they try to sh*t on us just to prove their point.”

Dominique Wilkins – “It’s their time. We’ve had our time. But I hate when they try to sh*t on us just to prove their point.”

  1. They dont respect the guys that built the league.

    Guys that allowed today’s role players to make 40 million a year while they got paid nothing.

  2. The older gen is the one who shits on the new gen more than the reverse. Everything that is said nowadays is a response to the years of “they could never play in our era” BS

  3. You know it’s pretty telling when overwhelmingly old heads are talking real shyte about how bad the league is today, how everyone is soft and so on and so forth, but as soon as someone does the same to them it becomes a veeery sensitive topic. It’s almost like a lot of people have quietly been butthurt for a long time now and it ain’t the new guys.

  4. old heads have been shitting on the 2010s and 2020s players for years saying they couldn’t play in their era. it’s only fair they strike back

  5. I love how agitated old heads are now that Ant gave them *a single dose* of their own medicine while they’ve been saying shit like “Lebron and Curry are too soft for the 90s” for years

  6. I get it from both sides. All this just proves it’s been a quiet nba summer, In terms of news anyway

  7. The interesting part to me is (at least from what I see) how this talk about eras isn’t part of the discussion for other sports. Like you don’t really see NFL fans talking about the quality of competition Jim Brown was going against or something. I follow other sports, but this definitely seems like more of an NBA thing. *edit: Mainly mean this from the aspect of the quality of players from past eras isn’t as discussed in other sports nearly as often

  8. Has Nique ever said anything bad about the current generation? Because everyone here is kinda shitting on him for this but I think it’s a reasonable statement. He says he’s cool with the new generation and each generation builds on what the generation before them did. He basically just doesn’t want to be thought of as a “plumber” by the new generation which is fair.

  9. idk when it turned into they, yeah it’s a couple players but in totality it’s like 1-2% that are like yeah the era before was ass

  10. Old heads: they will literally die playing against us

    New heads: they can’t even dunk a ball or make a three

  11. Do these conversations happen in other sports? I don’t hear NFL/MLB players or fans shitting on other players from different eras, they seem to appreciate all of their great players way more than the NBA

  12. The player podcast content pipeline is becoming just as insufferable as espn talk shows. One offhand quote from a players gets discussed on every player podcast ad nauseum. Then it gets posted here where people post the exact same tired jokes in hopes of getting karma

  13. MJ has a quote in his book (and a few interviews around the same time), where he talks about being “the best”. It was in reference to bringing the same energy on both ends of the court, day in and day out. “That’s where I feel like I’m the best [in the league right now]. The best ever? I can’t say that – I’d never say that. We all play in different eras; I never played against Jerry West, Bill Russell, Wilt, Doc [in his prime]…” etc. “I love the game, it’s been good to me, and I like to think I’ve been good to it. All things evolve, and the game has to grow. I’m excited to see it continue to do so. Unless they fundamentally change the rules of the game, there will be someone FAR greater than Michael Jordan.”

  14. this is the key. there is no now without them. if there was no them, guys now would be the them. you dont just skip the progression timeline. very very few people have the creativeness and balls to be a pioneer, they usually get rejected

  15. What a GREAT response by Dominique. Perfectly said. Some old guys need to stop shitting on the new guys too, it goes both ways. But either way, nail on the head Nique.

  16. Reasonable take for Dominique, but let’s not act like the old heads aren’t saying the same type of things like Edwards. Wouldn’t be an nba season without Shaq talking about how they’d smash current teams.


    This shit is dumber than the ‘world champion’ debate and we’re still talking about it.

  18. Look, if guys back in the 90s and the 80s and the 70s etc., were able to literally travel and carry the ball and handle the ball like players of today are allowed to handle it, then they would be just as good if not better than these guys today.

  19. Why are most people here acting like the hate is one sided? The older generation has been hating on the new generation for the last 10+ years, only recently the new gens started talking the old gens down. Both sides are wrong, but the hate has been way more egregious from oldheads.

  20. Maybe I’m wrong but aren’t the old guys responsible for starting this in the first place

  21. it’s only edwards who said that and he is dumb as fuck, so it should not be taken seriously

  22. I agree with everything Nique said here, I do think it’s important to point out, though, that it’s not exactly “one-sided” and just youngins shittin’ on older generations. How many retired players talk about how soft the new generations are? Nique is exempt from that obviously, but it’s important to keep in mind for the conversation.

  23. Were there as many instances of young, great players trashing previous era’s players like there is today?

    Seems like there was loads of respect for previous greats from contemporary greats up until recently.

  24. Old heads been going hard on the younger generation as long as I can remember. Ever since Lebron became the face of the league, it’s always been “well he couldn’t do it in our era” or “he’ll never be Jordan”.

    I feel like these young dudes just started chirping back in the past few years. Both sides take it too far but Jordan era dudes definitely started it

  25. I don’t think the Edwards comments would be nearly as of a notable story if he waited to talk his shit until after he had a ring, MVP or even just an All-NBA first team nod.

    I totally agree with Nique that it’s silly to compare across generations in general, but it’s extra silly to have that debate when you’re still 23 and the most notable thing you’ve done is dunk on Yuta Watanabe.

    No one is genuinely arguing that Ant wouldn’t dominate if you could magically drop him into 80’s competition, it’s such a narrow-minded argument to make. I’d bet anything that in 40 year’s the best players would be able to cook whatever prime Ant looks like if you magically dropped them into the 2020’s NBA. The game will continue to evolve and improve.

    Please don’t misconstrue this as Ant hate, I love him on the court.

  26. Tatum an nba champ and top ten ten player was struggling against a slightly different rule set in the Olympics. Do these nba players realize how much their games would change if they called palming, hand checks and travels. Players nowadays legit are playing with one extra step and numerous others rules which allows them to appear more skilled. What can Anthony Edwards do skill wise or dribble wise that any pg couldn’t do in the 90s. Y’all think Vince Carter can’t dribble like Anthony Edwards? Tmac had even better handles. The hesi carry that Durant does which allows him to get off his shot, yall think tmac couldn’t do it.

    The next generation should be allowed to take four steps and let’s see them create moves never imagined and then watch them take a shit on our current players for not being able to do them.

  27. old heads playing the victim all of a sudden when they’ve gone damn near a decade shitting on newgens is crazy

  28. I feel him. Idk why basketball feels like it’s the only sport where ppl dismiss the older eras of the game. Never see that in other team sports

  29. I swear old heads talk a lot of shit about the new generation of players but act like the world is ending when the current players come with the same energy.

  30. Torono Rapture, thank you for this refreshing link from Dominique Wilkens. Unfortunately, in sports, bluster and pride are propped up ahead of humility.

    Wilkins’ thoughts are rational. Look, basketball is meant to be competitive and fun. Not divisive. Anthony Edward’s, while talented, his commentary reeks of ignorance.

    As Wilkens said in his piece; the game of basketball will continuously evolve over time.

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