[Tashan Reed on X] When asked about rumors surrounding his name, #Raiders WR Davante Adams gave a lengthy response. The cliff notes version: Adams said any talk about him not wanting to be in Las Vegas anymore is “bullshit.”

[Tashan Reed on X] When asked about rumors surrounding his name, #Raiders WR Davante Adams gave a lengthy response.

The cliff notes version: Adams said any talk about him not wanting to be in Las Vegas anymore is “bullshit.”

  1. Fucking Jets man😂 They’re the Chargers of the AFC East. Always have a fantastic offseason and get hyped up by the media until the season actually starts and their true colors show

  2. Somehow NFL media will spin this like he wants to leave Las Vegas. Some shit like “During press conference Davante Adams blinks in Morse Code saying he wants to leave Vegas! Trade incoming?”

  3. Ok but that was like almost an hour ago. Someone hurry and ask him again.

    What’s the symbol you make when it’s more than just sarcasm with an “/s” but it’s more like you’re so sick and tired of seeing this same rumor be put down over and over again?

  4. The jets are just as much of a shithow organization as we have been. If he wanted to leave why would he trade one shitshow for another? Not to mention he wants to be near family not across the country.

  5. Only casuals think Tae is unhappy and wants a trade. I swear this off-season for some reason showed how “experts” don’t know fuck all about the Raiders and what’s going on.

  6. And yet some media will be running a segment trying to read in between the lines of the bullshit. ‘What else could he have meant? Was he trying to send a message to A-A-ron?’

    No! Bullshit. Adams is a fucking raider.

  7. If he gets traded it’s gonna be because the raiders don’t want him not the other way around

  8. That’s great people are still asking him this stuff four days from week 1. Really, stellar work. If the media gets him to repeat himself another hundred times they get a free donut.

  9. Location is the key. Who doesn’t want to be a high profile celebrity athlete in Vegas? Different story if it were Oakland

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