[González] Yoshinobu Yamamoto will return to the Dodgers’ rotation to start Tuesday against the Cubs, Dave Roberts said.

[González] Yoshinobu Yamamoto will return to the Dodgers’ rotation to start Tuesday against the Cubs, Dave Roberts said.

  1. Anybody else feel the same way I do?

    Like I want to be excited and happy about this but also want a healthy rotation for once in the playoffs so want to bubble wrap our stars until then. I hate how the last few years with injury and non injury related pitching drama has made me feel. This year especially. Understand though he needs some big league starts to get his feet wet so this is needed..probably gets 2-3 before showtime.

  2. So he’s getting about 4 starts before the postseason if they decide to give him 5 days of rest in between each start. Feel a bit anxious about how he’ll look coming back

  3. It seems like every time we gain one, we lose one.

    This just in: Gavin Stone placed on the IL for an ingrown hair that got infected.

  4. These next few starts are basically a glorified spring training and the goal is moreso for him to build up his strength for October.

    That being said, I can’t wait for the inevitable “hEs cOoKed!!!” and “HoRrIbLe cOnTrAcT” in the game thread on Tuesday.

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