#2: most overrated

Instead of the comment with most upvotes I’m going to do the player that receives the most comments because most upvotes can be skewed by the fact that it’s usually just one of the first comments

  1. Hmmm. Interesting, whoever really is the most overrated wont be voted the most overrated becuase he is so overrated that he will have a bunch of people voting against him because they like him.

  2. Slater Koekkoek (just based on high draft status)

    Brett Connelly (Drafted high but was a bust)


    Anthony DeAngelo

    Connor Sheary

    Tanner Jeannot

  3. Killorn? Years ago I would have thought for sure Killorn. But otherwise maybe Jeannot (by Brisebois lol)

  4. Nick Paul. Yeah, he has flashes of greatness but also disappears for 10-20 games at a time. Def not living up to the hype from when we picked him up.

  5. I would add Alexander Svitov, Evgeny Artyukhin, and Andrej Meszároš.Also Mark Denis for goalies.

  6. Y’all are trashing some good players out here! Shame!

    How about Pavel Kubina? Top D money to be double digit minus just about every year. He was alright, but definitely plenty overrated.

  7. Yanni Gourde. He’s a nice story, but was cast fading into nothing before the Coleman and Goodrow trades.

  8. It’s Alexander Svitov. Drouin was also a third overall pick but AS had 13 career NHL goals. The only positive out of that pick was that we traded him to Columbus for Darryl Sydor, who helped us win a cup in 04.

  9. This one may get a few of you bent

    Tyler Johnson

    Lived off a career year in 2015 and playoff god.

    Never got over 50 points again but was universally spoken of as Tampas 1B center behind stamkos or point

  10. People seem to be putting the value of someone being overrated on expectations rather than people’s opinion on the career for overrated. I guess that is one way of looking it.

    Everyone loves Palat but he is underrated? Do you understand then that he isn’t underrated?

  11. This might be harsh on him because injuries really kicked his ass, but the Bolts signed Mattias Ohlund to a fat, 7 year contract in 2009. He only played in two seasons and registered very little impact other than being an amazing shot blocker.

  12. Pat Maroon, eye test he blatantly never was a good enough player in the last 2 years and when people say they want him back
    I’m dumbfounded. He’s very much so a good teammate but he’s slow as hell and barely gets in good fights or hits anymore

  13. Overrated when he played for TBL?
    Or overrated now (as we look back fondly)?

    a. Drouin. High DP. Flashy, at times. Valued by others based on our return (starting G) for him.

    b. Pick a middle-6 forward on a Cup-winning team. Sure, we love ‘em. They struck gold on their next contracts. And then (whether their “fault” or not)…pfft. I almost picked Ondřej Palát because Reddit really loves him. But well-liked doesn’t mean overrated. I name Tyler Johnson for this activity.

  14. John Grahame? Battled neck and neck with the Bulin Wall for the starter job. After Khabby left, the job was his and he laid a big ole egg.

  15. Everyone just listed the biggest draft busts that we all know suck. Louis Domingue is easily one of the most overrated by this fanbase. An average third string goalie at best who happened to be the backup on one of the best teams of all time.

  16. Valtteri Filppula – I feel like everyone was always acting like he was a major asset and he wasn’t that productive after his big season in 13-14. His goals were halved the next year and he never replicated that success with us.

    And of course, Tanner Jeannot. Other than fighting, he wasn’t worth the king’s ransom that was paid.

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