Day 13 – Rangers Fan Grid: This Play = Pain

What's his name again? His name is Christoval "Boo" Nieves! On to Day 13 and the last row of the grid! What's the play that makes you feel numb, feel pain, misery, etc.? Top comment wins as always. Discuss!

  1. I’ve been staying out of this for a while but I figured I would chime in…

    “Clifford gave it across… Rebound… SCOREEEEE!! THE STANLEY CUP!!! MARTINEZ!!!!!!”

    2014 Stanley Cup G5 2OT winner by Alec Martinez. Will never forget Hank lying their in disbelief and agony. That horn still gives me PTSD.

  2. OP nailed the answer already

    But I’m also gonna say that guy who wore 16 before Vinny, missing that wide open goal

  3. The winner is clearly Alec Martinez. But an honorable mention to me is going to be seeing Mika. Attempt to that horrible pass at the end of game four against Florida to Wheeler that led to the penalty in eventual power-play goal. Such a tone deaf move to go east west I’m instead of getting it deep or on net for a face off

    That play is likely going to define the era of the team that could get to the conference finals, but would always run into a disciplined blue collar, gritty opponent that showed our biggest stars were not built to win a championship

  4. Ryan Strome missing an open net with minutes left on the clock in a tied game 5 in a tied Series against the lightning.

  5. Was going to say tossup between Martinez and Henrique, but yeah, seeing Hank lying on the ice after still hurts so much more.

  6. I think it’s Henrique.

    I know Martinez is a bad memory but by that point the series already felt futile. The Devils series was just aggravating to me because that was the first year that incarnation of the Rangers was really good. I know this sounds bitter—and maybe it is—but I felt kind of like those Devils were a bit of a fluke. Mind you I’m not sure the Rangers get past those Kings either, but they were up 2-1 on the Devils and just kind of pissed it away. All to end on a garbage goal that should have been the kind of play they’d have locked down.

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