I hate empty white backgrounds.

How does this make you feel?

  1. Look, I understand where you are coming from, but…

    This image is a disgrace, utterly diabolical. In a vacuum, it looks pretty cool, but having already seen the actual logo for a while now, this is the hockey version of original the reveal trailer for the Sonic movie where Sonic was made with realistic features. Who hurt you to the point where you felt you needed to permanently damage our eyes with this monstrosity? The Maple Leafs will have won the Stanley Cup by the time this thing is erased from my mind!

    /s (partly)

  2. this is like when you see an old friend after a long time and now they’re bald. And missing an ear.

  3. You know how you feel when someone throws up next to you, and you smell it? That’s what this did to me.

  4. It’s like the Penguins logo when they leave the triangle out. They’ve made some attempts to make it happen, but it just doesn’t work and they need to stop.

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