How nervous are you for Sunday?

How nervous are you for Sunday?

  1. Donā€™t worry, Iā€™ll be nervous enough for everyone else here, itā€™s something Iā€™m very good at! That way, nobody else has to be nervous.

  2. I am very optimistic based on what we saw in the preseason and am excited to see how that translates. At the same time this is a new offense lead by a rookie so we have to anticipate some issues.

    In other words, there is no reason to be nervous. Itā€™s out of your control. Sit back and enjoy the ride.

  3. You can’t kill me. I’ve been dead for years because of this team. Nowhere to go but up.

  4. The titans arenā€™t very good so not that nervous tbh.

    I fully expect Williams to make rookie mistakes, because he is wellā€¦ a rookie.

    Hopefully nobody gets hurt,

  5. Caleb doesnā€™t get nervous but I sure the fuck do. I was promised greatness with Flutie, McNown, Grossman, Orton, Cutty, Mitch, Fields, and they all let me down. Please let Caleb be good. Letā€™s be patient with him, but man we deserve one good QB in our lifetime.

  6. Iā€™m more nervous about drinking out of my cursed Bears pint glass Sunday. My buddy gave it to me years ago and I drank out of it during Mitch and Justinā€™s debutsā€¦ Iā€™m seriously thinking of not drinking out of it this time for Calebā€™s sakeā€¦. Iā€™m very excited to finally see competitive Caleb Williams in a Bears uniform! LETS GOOOO

  7. Is it fucked up that this is the *only* thing that actually worried me about Williams?

    Getting nervous is as human as anything, I wouldn’t trust someone who tells me they don’t get nervous.

    Hopefully he meant something like he doesn’t allow nerves to affect him, etc. Being nervous just means you care.

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