Domas is top 10 in Post Defense and Defensive Points Saved according to BBall Index

Domas is top 10 in Post Defense and Defensive Points Saved according to BBall Index

  1. Oh, seems like all the talk about him being a bad defender was just the same crap as people saying the Kings are a bad defensive team?

  2. Itā€™s hilarious bc in the comments of these posts are a bunch of people discrediting these statistics solely bc it goes against their ā€œSabonis bad at defense šŸ¤“ā€ narrative

  3. And Keon was #3 among 2nd year players in Defensive playmaking! Nice to see our players on all these top 10 defensive metrics. And Fox in the steals metric, of course

  4. Iā€™ve always said it and stand by it. Sabonis is a solid defender and tries hard, and his worst skill in defense is simply he is too small to be a real rim protector, which is why itā€™s important to get some size around Sabonis to help.

  5. One of the biggest things here is rebounding. Rebounding literally ends a possession. Itā€™s much more valuable than blocking 2-3 shots out of bounds that the other team then just gets back. We saw that with JJJ getting abused in FIBA right after getting DPOY. Besides the rebounding, he is a solid defender in pretty much most situations. He just gets abused by superstars on the P&R, but so do most bigs who arenā€™t DPOY caliber.

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