If anyone has just read about it and not watched the video yet, watch the Brodie Brazil video about his firing. It is clear that this was because of his publicly anti-relocation sentiment

If anyone has just read about it and not watched the video yet, watch the Brodie Brazil video about his firing. It is clear that this was because of his publicly anti-relocation sentiment

  1. Brodie was always reliably upbeat and came across as genuine guy that cared about the fans/viewers as well as the teams. I used to love watching him and Dave Stewart having a great time after A’s games. You’ll be missed Brodie!

  2. Joke of an organization. Can’t imagine anybody still there is happy. Ready for the ball to drop and see Fisher and Kaval fail.

  3. Why would NBC Bay Area care? Seems like perfectly good business for a local sports network.

  4. The *only* good thing about this is he won’t be following them to vegas. But if any other mlb team adpots him as an reporter or anchor they’ll be in for a treat.

  5. I don’t think he was fired because of his views. I don’t think the A’s have that sort of influence of NBC in the Bay Area. The warriors, however, might. NBC desperately needed to work out a TV deal with the A’s in order to fill ad slots that they had already sold. Simple as that. NBC is NOT in bed with the A’s. Brodie is a casualty of budget cuts because they ate losing a massive marketshare from the team moving to Sac and being owned by a shitbag. Unfortunately, Brodie’s Sharks content doesn’t justify him staying on board. It’s bullshit. But it has nothing (or very little anyway) to do with the A’s ownership and his views if them, directly.

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