You Love to See It

You Love to See It

  1. Good stuff. Side note, let’s keep it classy on this sub regarding the Love injury, whatever it ends up being. We don’t need to be cheering serious injuries regardless of the team or player. All that will do is bring bad luck back on us and God knows we’ve had our fill of that for the last 35 years. Don’t be assholes!

  2. The thing I love the most is Love’s performance (injury aside).

    His performance was horrific, worse than his stat line which isn’t that great. So many missed passes, he should’ve had a pick-6, his long TD was a blown coverage you’d expect every single backup in the league to throw.

    He kept throwing off his back foot, and he throws lame ducks when he does.

    For the highest paid player in the NFL, that was a sub 20 performance.

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