New Daily Baseball Game for Reds Fans – Wordle Meets Immaculate Grid

Hi everybody!

My buddy and I built a daily baseball trivia game that launched last Saturday. It combines elements of a bunch of our favorite daily games (Wordle, Connections, Immaculate Grid, MLB Pickle).

Our big dream was to create a game that is fun for the casual fan of a single team as well as the hardcore fans who know the whole MLB. The secret sauce of our game is it generates a daily puzzle for every team.

We would so appreciate your feedback about the game! A few things we’d love to hear about:
-Is it clear how to play?
-Did you find anything confusing?
-What would you recommend to make it even better?

There is a new puzzle each morning. The game takes about 2 minutes to play.

Feel free to share with your friends too! The more feedback the better.

~Thank you to the mods for allowing this!~

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