More from @NYPost_Lewis “(Jimmy} Butler isn’t just open to Brooklyn, but fond of it, sources told The Post. Now, he’s not a Net and he might never get close to becoming one. But to dismiss the possibility out of hand is foolish.”

More from @NYPost_Lewis “(Jimmy} Butler isn’t just open to Brooklyn, but fond of it, sources told The Post. Now, he’s not a Net and he might never get close to becoming one. But to dismiss the possibility out of hand is foolish.”

  1. I wouldn’t mind getting Jimmy on our squad as a veteran and leader, but only once we’re through tanking. This season and the next should be used for asset acquisition and culture building. We can get vets once we lock in our new prospects.

  2. Too many years playing for Thibs, his joints have to be a time bomb. I was against it when Chicago was shopping him and the Nets were rumored to be a preferred team, it would be even dumber now.

  3. No, dismissing this nonsense on face value is the astute and responsible thing to do. Makes no sense upon initial reaction and any further digging and it gets more and more ridiculous for Brooklyn

  4. “Jimmy Butler’s agent is fond of leveraging Brooklyn’s massive amount of cap space to get his client better offers.”

  5. After tanking this year maybe.

    He’s great for a locker room.

    But overall he’s trying to get paid and Miami might be fighting him a bit on that final number due to his injuries.

  6. Probably just agent trying to get leverage. But I’ve said it before and will say it again, the Nets are an attractive destination. Easily a top 10 destination and for any player that likes a more urban environment higher than that. Nets just again and again make star player short lists of destinations. Marks will build a young and cheap team and then pull in a max free agent star again. And maybe do another “twofer”. It is just a strategy that Nets can pull off in ways that a good number of teams can’t.

  7. This type of strategy worked out in bringing Paul Pierce here so I’m positive it’ll work out with Jimmy Buckets as well!!! LFG

  8. I wonder if the nets miss out on getting a good lottery position Marks might pivot to trade for stars and we are back to contending. Then butler would make sense

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