

  1. The kiss of death.

    “So and so has done a wonderful job”

    Two weeks later…

    “So and so has been removed from their position. We thank them for their contributions”

  2. It’s particularly stark knowing Bob Melvin coached this same Padres club to barely above a .500 record LAST SEASON. Why on Earth did we think he’d do better for us? I hated the hire at the time and the idea that I will probably have to sit through at least another season of his mediocrity makes my skin crawl.

  3. He’s gotta stick up for his guys. But he could not be more wrong. Heard will Clark say a lot of the young guys on the team don’t want to listen. Whole season was disappointing. Glad Niners go on Monday. Maybe Direct TV gets their shit together so I can watch

  4. I understand WHY he had to say it, but i wish he hadn’t. How the fuck you gonna explain us being able to hit in late innings but not in early ones? Oh wait, I can. We swing on the first pitch 90% of the time, we don’t know how to hit directionally and everyone tries to hit it out of the park whenever anyone is on base. Viva the giants always tho!

  5. What’s he supposed to say?? “Yeah they haven’t really done well enough and they’re the reason our offense has sucked.” He can’t say that to the public. As much as people are going to criticize, no manager will ever publicly throw a coach under the bus. It would frankly be unprofessional.

  6. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. We’d be pissed if he threw them under the bus lol. Like someone else said you stick up for your guys.

  7. Our opening day lineup was Lee, Soler, Ramos/Wade, Chapman, Yaz, Estrada, Conforto, Bailey, Ahmed. Lee/Ramos got hurt. Soler and Ahmed were dogshit and actually got worse when they joined new teams. Estrada and Conforto are so bad that teams didn’t even want them for free. That’s already 6 guys in the lineup that are complete non-factors. The only consistent players from the 10 have been Wade, Chapman, and Yaz (at least as far as performing to the levels of prior years). Bailey started out fine but you can easily argue that Farhan grabbing Soler for DH and Murphy for backup catcher ended up with Bailey getting gassed by the allstar break, just like we saw last year. Wade and Yaz are 6-8 hitters on most teams in the league and they have performed like it. We basically are missing an entire 1-5 of the lineup besides Chapman. Without Ramos and Fitz randomly coming in and raking we would be one of the worst teams in the league.

    The only blame I’d put on Melvin is his bullpen management and his weird lineups trying to get things out of guys who are clearly washed like Ahmed, Estrada, Conforto and Soler. Although what other choice did he really have besides hoping for the vets to turn it around if we wanted a shot at the post season? I’ll only eat crow if any of those 4 guys go to another team and actually perform better.

  8. It’s just a lack of talent. That is all. Why do people keep trying to blame coaches/manager/Farhan?

  9. I’d like to think this quote was taken a bit out of context to use as a headline and even Melvin realizes how ridiculous it looks in big letters across the top of the page.

    (Without reading the article, I bet they left out the rest of his sentence- “… but the results just haven’t been there.”

  10. Wow. I think SFG now stands for “San Francisco Gaslighters.” Who you gonna believe, the Giants or your lyin’ eyes??

  11. The entire league is full of hitters that can’t make contact. I do not understand the obsession with launch angle and the downgrading of just making hard contact. Hitting line drives to all fields

    It may be a viable strategy for a few legitimate power hitters but the vast majority are not capable of using that strategy.

  12. Mostly this just isn’t a very talented hitting team, especiallyat situational hitting. Farhan has been collecting dudes with a similar hitting profile for half a decade. Patrick Bailey and Jung Hoo Lee might have helped that, but Lee got hurt and Bailey ran out of gas.

    Gwinn and Ted Williams could come back from the grave to provide private lessons and they wouldn’t be impressive.

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