#19/30 – flew across the country to experience it. Found myself tearing up at times and covered in goosebumps at others. Lovely people, truly a baseball town. One of the best memories of my entire life. 13TH INNING WALK OFF!! Thank you, Oakland, and fuck you John.

Lifelong baseball fan so this meant the world to experience this stadium.

There is no place on earth like the Coliseum and it will be sorely missed.

  1. Ah man. What a game to have traveled across the country for. That game reminded me why I love this franchise with all my heart and what made me a diehard A’s fan. You got your moneys worth.

    With that said, I hope you enjoyed the Coliseum. It sucks that this is happening but we’re just trying to enjoy the last of Oakland A’s Baseball before it’s potentially extinct

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