[Rob Taub] Elliotte Friedman this morning on Ilya Sorokin: “I think Sorokin has been battling something. I don’t know how serious it is or isn’t. The agent won’t say anything out of respect to Lamoriello. The Islanders won’t say anything. We’ll see where this goes.”

[Rob Taub] Elliotte Friedman this morning on Ilya Sorokin: “I think Sorokin has been battling something. I don’t know how serious it is or isn’t. The agent won’t say anything out of respect to Lamoriello. The Islanders won’t say anything. We’ll see where this goes.”

  1. Jesus the way this guy reports it, it sounds likes its terminal cancer when he could just be battling a sports hernia lol.

  2. “I think something’s wrong. No one will confirm it. I’ll wildly speculate and frame it like it’s god damn cancer.”

  3. For 99% of media bullshit, I’d dismiss it as clickbait. But Friedman is the best there is. If he’s reporting something, it’s reliable. What it is, who knows, but I’m afraid it’s not nothing.

  4. Elliotte Friedman with Elliotte Friedman news. “This could or couldn’t be a trade happening.” “Thus could or couldn’t be a signing taking place, I’m not hearing anything on dollars or years.” Yet fools say he’s the best “reporter” in hockey

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