I received a bunch of fan mail after emailing the team

A couple of actual camera photos of luongo and henrik with Daniel and bieksa at what looks like ring of honour? They both have signatures except, I honestly can’t tell if they’re real or not I really hope they are because they’re nice big photos!

The letter I received from henrik and Daniel on top of the photos I think the autograph is real! They also sent me a T-shirt for the 2024 playoffs, and a white towel for the 2024 playoffs!

What’s everyone’s opinion on the autographs?

  1. I can’t speak for the letter. But the photos of Lou & Sedins, and the Bieksa one are printed. They gave those away at various events and were very clear about the fact they were prints and not autos. Still very cool photos to have though.

    For the letter you’ll have to look close to see if you can see pen mark variations or if you really, really want to know, pay to have it authenticated, usually in these circumstances these letters are templates that include a copy of their autographs and they just change up the words to fit whomever they are responding to and print it out. I would say the majority of the time they are just prints, hopefully in this case I’m wrong.

    How cool is all stuff you got though!!! Usually most teams send out a thank you letter and maybe a sticker if you’re lucky. lol

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