Chris Paul bets MJ that if he misses a shot then the whole camp receives free Jordans. MJ took it personally (2016).

Chris Paul bets MJ that if he misses a shot then the whole camp receives free Jordans. MJ took it personally (2016).

  1. MJ makes sure the kids stay barefooted, LeBron makes sure the kids get terrible test grades. Shoe-less vs. School-less, whose y’all GOAT?😤💯

  2. MJ should have reversed the bet. If he makes them all, the kids go to china and make him some shoes.

  3. He fell victim to one of the classic blunders—never start a land war in Asia, never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line—never make a bet with MJ.

  4. The kids were Republicans

    Edit: This was simply a reference to his famous quote “Republicans buy sneakers too”

  5. Reminds me of that German goalkeeper Oliver Kahn, who attended a 9-year old football camp where money was donated to charity if they scored on him. Fuck that he said and saved every single penalty and told the kids to get good.

  6. I went to one of his camps as a kid. He did this a few times. Eventually he “lost” and we all got shoes. Happened every yr

  7. I mean… it’s not like those are difficult shots for someone who used to play professionally… but MJ’s spirit is indelible.

  8. Back in 1998 I was in the PX at a base in Okinawa..I jumped on a PlayStation display and there was a kid that tried to challenge me on Tekken.

    He thought I was gonna take it easy on him cause he only had like 6 fingers, but I WHOOOPED.THAT.ASS!

    There are times I reflect on that moment and think, “Man, I was an asshole”…..until I saw this.

    I was like Mike all along!

  9. If these kids are at an MJ camp they all probably have parents ready to buy them as many Jordans as they want.

  10. He gave them something more valuable than shoes: A lesson on the mentality of winners.

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  11. The same amount of kids were cheering for him in China. They DID NOT want to work OT to make dem shoes.

  12. I have a coworker who went to an MJ camp as a kid. MJ picked 2 parents to compete in a shooting competition to win their kid a pair of Jordans. My coworkers dad got picked and apparently kept throwing up bricks. My coworker said MJ looked at him and said “Damn, your pops is screwing you out of them kicks” and walked away.

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