Kraken Player Grid Day 9: Fastest

Kraken Player Grid Day 9: Fastest

  1. I think I remember hearing during one of the games last season that Borgen actually had hit the highest speed on the team up to at least that point.

  2. I’m gonna take this in a different direction and nominate Morgan Geekie for his fastest shot……mostly because I don’t think of any of our players as being particularly speedy.

  3. Turbo is the obvious answer but I want to remind you that Yanni was responsible for shutting down MacKinnon in the playoffs.

  4. Tanev is the obvious choice but I also want to throw out Matty. He kind of has that sneaky under the radar speed

  5. People will say Tanev but it’s likely Stephenson. The guy was in the fastest skater at the all star competition and did well.

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