Hopping on the trend, day 1 who’s the most underrated

Hopping on the trend, day 1 who’s the most underrated

  1. Honestly probably Chiarot if we’re talking last year. He had a solid season but some people still meme that he’s terrible

  2. Current team or all time?

    Current team: I’ve been seeing some people bash Gustafsson as a pure downgrade on Ghost, which I disagree with. I’ll say him

    All time (or at least full cap era): I’ll go with someone like Brian Rafalski. Always reliable, solid player, but not flashy

  3. Christian Fischer. He has more scoring touch than his numbers suggest due to the role he plays

  4. Slava Kozlov. A great player overlooked/outshined by the big guns Detroit had during his era.

  5. All time?

    I think people underestimate the value Kris Draper brought to the team in exchange for a dollar.

  6. My boy Larry Murphy. Finished his career with Detroit and had 2 cup wins during those seasons with us! Strong defender and solid offensive numbers for an end of career d-man.

  7. Who was that center from the Dead Things? Norm Ullman? I got yelled at for forgetting him once here.

    Maybe I’m thinking of someone else but Ullman is still a good answer. Ray Shepherd and Gerard Gallant are good answers too. Great players who don’t get remembered how they should because they left right before the Cups started.

  8. I don’t think redwings fans underrate him but literally everyone else, including the HOF committee, the answer here HAS TO BE Chris Osgood

  9. Most underrated? Kris Draper. Bought for a dollar from Winnipeg and he became a depth piece in 4 cup wins but only really gets brought up with the Grind line or with his scouting/AGM position with the Wings.

  10. OP I think this is fun but we have to specify right now or all time for this to be a productive discussion

  11. The grind line was infamous around the league, can’t really call them underrated. Osgood is also rated correctly because he wouldn’t have had the same success anywhere else.

    If anything, y’all are overrating these choices lol

  12. All time is Osgood hands down. Lots of guys could fit here but he’s a HoF-worthy goalie without any recognition.

  13. Maltby is often the forgotten part of the grind line. Everyone talks about stealing Draper for a dollar and everything he brought and Kocur/McCarty for being the heart and soul, but Maltby was every bit as important as them.

  14. It should be a goalie. Osgood, Vernon, Howard. All underrated.

    If we are only talking about the current team, Rasmussen

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