Ersan İlyasova takes home Best Role Player and ends our grid. It’s been a pleasure r/MkeBucks, here are our GOATs – are there any changes you’d make? Any glaring omissions?

Ersan İlyasova takes home Best Role Player and ends our grid. It’s been a pleasure r/MkeBucks, here are our GOATs – are there any changes you’d make? Any glaring omissions?

  1. Kinda surprised that Oscar Robertson, Dame, or Redd didn’t sneak their way on this list. Maybe Yi for a bad category.

  2. Khris not being on here for something feels wrong considering he’s a top 3 Buck ever. but he doesn’t really fit anything here except maybe best shooter

  3. The 80s feels really underrepresented for how good we were back then. Seems like it’s just an era that gets really overlooked for us, in general.

    Bridgeman for Role Player

    Maybe even someone like Terry Cummings for most underrated. Dudes like arguably a top 10 Buck ever, but you never hear anyone mention him.

    Thon in overrated feels weird, I feel like he was never really perceived anything more than a prospect who had potential upside, but was known as very very raw. That’s a hard one to come to a consensus on, though. It kind of inherently has to be a controversial pick, so you’ll never get a good answer through voting. Like the real pick is probably like Oscar. All time GOAT player, but he was more washed by the time he was with us than I think a lot of people realize. Could say like Bob Lanier maybe too. Again, Hall of Famer, but not for his time with us. It’s kind of a joke that we retired his number, tbh.

    Giannis for best passer also feels weird. He’s a good passer for a big, but that would have been a great spot to slide in someone like Oscar. Or, another really underrated guy imo is Eric Murdock. Guy was averaging like 7 assists per game as like the lone bright spot on some absolutely abysmal teams in the early 90s.

  4. META: Thanks for tuning in and having me yall. As a newcomer to the Bucks, it’s been great learning about the history of the team through these posts, who deserved their flowers and who didn’t.

    Shout outs to all of yall who make Bucks Nation and this community special as well as OG OP who started this grid then deleted.

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