Evan Mobley and Kevin Garnett in their first 3 seasons:

Evan Mobley and Kevin Garnett in their first 3 seasons:

  1. Apples to oranges, have to consider the eras they played in and how they impact stats. And I say this as someone who thinks Evan is an excellent player.

  2. I’d have to see young KG to make a comparison. But KG has a competitive drive that Evan has not yet shown.

  3. But

    – Mobley had the advantage of college
    – Garnett played in a completely different era in terms of both the position and overall pace

    Also, it’s OK to say it. Mobley was a little too hyped. He’s very good, not great. And he may never really leap. We shall see. But he isn’t fucking Kevin Garnett.

  4. The Evan Mobley = future KG cope is gonna get stronger every year this guy remains stagnant isn’t it

  5. KG had a legit jumper in high school. Evan’s shot is cheeks. This is a weird comparison as they’re not even same type of player

  6. KG still had a much higher ceiling at that point….i love Mobley but i do wonder if he’s almost capped talent wise

  7. Icl, most of yall talking about Mobley in a negative light, just discredit the help KG actually had in Minnesota when he won and overrate what KG actually was in his first three years compared to his actual prime🤷🏿‍♂️ plus both players were drafted into very different situations.

  8. I choose to assume that since Mobley is still so young, he will continue to develop his offensive skills.

    It is still too early to predict what Mobley will become.

    The next 2 – 3 years will be very interesting to watch his development.

    Remember that Edrice Femi “Bam” Adebayo of the Miami Heat took time to develop into what he is now.

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