On That Note, How Long Have Y’all Been Sox Fans?

I converted when I transplanted three years ago. My first live baseball game was at Fenway Park.

  1. I was 6 years old in 2004, and it’s the first real baseball season I have any memories of. So yeah, sometimes I feel like the luckiest Sox fan in the world

  2. It was way before I was 11, that’s for sure.

    One of those totally alien concepts that shocked me when I got to college was that not everyone had their favorite team chosen for them at birth. 

  3. The 07 team is probably the one that made me a fan, I was like 9. Tried to turn myself into a hybrid of pedroia and ellsbury in little league after that lol

  4. I was 6 in 2003, and my dad coached our baseball team. We were the Sox and possibly only won a single game all season and the rest is history.

  5. i was conceived as a celebration of the ‘04 Sox. I was told about the ‘04 Sox on the day I was born, and my dad would often tell me Sox stories while holding me because some doctor said that speaking to me would help me learn language faster. I learned how to speak by learning how to be a Sox fan

  6. I’m a relative newbie—always had a soft spot for the Sox even as I was a Dodgers fan by birth and A’s fan by choice, but John Fisher had me looking for greener pastures in the past couple seasons and landed mostly with you all.

  7. I was 9 during the 99 season and was pumped about Pedro owning the Yankees during the ALCS

  8. I was 5 years old and I remember watching Aaron Boone hit that walk off homer. My parents, both Yankees fans, celebrated the historic moment. But I, for whatever reason, was absolutely devastated. Sox fan for life from there on out.

  9. i was 8 in 1990 when the Red Sox went to the ALCS against the Bash Bros As with Dave Stewart anchoring the staff.

    my dad got me the upper deck red sox roster set of cards that year, which were extremely glossy and cool to my kid mind. so, it was the first season i knew all the players and shit.

    I was so bummed when Rocket got thrown out of that playoff start for cursing over balls and strikes lol.

  10. I turned 8 in ’86, that was my first baseball year and first year of Red Sox fandom

    I have zero memory of baseball in ’85, and remember everything from ’86. Which is how it goes when you’re young I guess.

    I think I just started watching the morning news before school in spring ’86, and that’s what got me hooked. I oddly remember world news events from ’86, and absolutely nothing from ’85. But I was pretty knowledgeable about the Iron-Contra Affair, for an 8-year old. (Jim Boyd and Susan Burke explained all that to me on Channel 5).

  11. Listened to the ‘67 Cardiac Kids on the radio with father & grandfather. I was 5.

    Love me some Yaz.

  12. Since I was 4. I remember crying myself to sleep after Aaron Boone in ‘03. Not the next year!

  13. I was 9…I remember watching game 6 of the ‘86 World Series with my dad who is a huge Sox fan. The Sox were winning , they kept talking about the curse…I was captivated right from the start! I remember going to bed with them leading and then waking up the next morning to the song “all I need is a miracle” on the radio. The song ended and the DJ said “that one going out to all the Mets fans who needed a miracle and got one last night!” I couldn’t believe it …it was the curse , the curse was real …I was hooked

  14. I got married in 2004. Husband was a Sox fan. I adopted the Red Sox. 2004 was a hell of a time to become a fan and the last 20 years we’ve had one hell of a time bonding over being fans together.

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