Captain Psilocybin? Jokes aside, good to see him out and about living life.

Captain Psilocybin? Jokes aside, good to see him out and about living life.

  1. The Osho quote is… well… I’m a little jealous that he hasn’t seen Wild Wild Country yet.

  2. The stigma of mind expansion must be removed

    I learned more about God in a $5 piece of paper than I ever did in 9 years of Catholic school or church

  3. Bro is living his best life. Truly wish the best for him, happiness is all that matters in the end.

  4. If Toewzer wants to eat some shrooms or take some ayahuasca or do whatever the fuck he wants, I am in full support of him. Cap deserves to enjoy every second of his retirement

  5. Definitely sounds off his tits. Good luck to him.

    I love how what he posted is so far removed from the +100 aggression of the NHL. Awesome!

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