Day 2, Most Overrated, Give one Current and All Time pick

The winners of yesterdays were

Howard: 121 (All time winner)
Draper: 90
Holmstrom: 79
Osgood: 76
Gustafson: 73* the thread about him largely had discourse about Rafalski and I felt like as he hadn’t played it wasn’t fair to include him*
Rafalski: 73
Kozlov: 63
Maata: 29 (Current Winner)
Malty: 30
Chiarot: 20
Stuart: 18
Fischer: 9
Sprong: 7
Murphy: 13
Ullman: 4
Compher: 3
Larkin: 5
Lapointe: 2
Brown: 2
Fischer: 9
Franzen: 1
Delvecchio: 1
Soderblom: 1
Glendening: 1
Brunner: 1
Tootoo: 1
Larson: 1
Helm: 1
Sheppard: 1

VOTES MAY HAVE BEEN MISSED SLIGHTLY, I did it by hand, any post with a name I counted the upvotes, this means there could be multiple upvotes from one person for the same player

  1. For me it’s that damned Anthony Mantha. Dude had skill no doubt, but just didn’t care. Could have popped off if he had any hustle and grind to him outside of direct scoring chances. When he moved off the team I remember feeling more relief than anything else.

    Edit: for current players I might have to say Debrincat. I hope he proves me wrong this year but he’s too streaky for what he’s supposed to be on this team.

  2. Most overrated is hard with this franchise. I’m afraid there’s going to be a lot of out of pocket unnecessary names thrown.

  3. Now – Debrincat ( great player, exactly what we need but can by overrated at times).

    All time – Mantha

  4. As of this moment, the responses are brain dead takes.

    We have one mention of Zadina which is fair. There is a Primeau mention which is also fair. Multiple Mantha mentions which implies anyone thought he was more than he was to start with.

    Chelios is mentioned repeatedly.

    You’d think this was a Vegas Knights subs with these takes.

    Original Six team with expansion level fan takes.

    This might be the first sub in any of these league/team grids that doesn’t seem to understand the point at all.

  5. Current

    Jonatan Berggren. Imo I don’t see much improvement over his current level, but you’d sometimes think he’s the glue, the missing piece, the bonafide top 6 scoring winger we’ve been missing, and a travesty he wasn’t on the roster this past year by being around this sub

  6. Current is Cat. Fight me. All time is D Mac. Love him but he gets elevated beyond what he brought to the table.

  7. Current: Alex Lyon

    He’s a solid goalie but he is not a 1a/b goalie like he is made out to be. Solid backup but if he is out answer in net to play 35+ games we’re in trouble.

    All time: Franzen

    I loved the Mule and he had another gear in the early playoffs, but he was prone to streakiness. Only had 12 points in his final 32 playoff games, didn’t use his size for anything but a net front presence (less than 100 hits in a season every year but 1). He got a lot of love because he was the natural replacement for Holmstrom, and had several big games, but had a tendency to disappear for large stretches and unfortunately couldn’t stay healthy

  8. All time….Weiss. We were so fucking hyped on getting him. Former 30 goal 60 point player. And he fucking lied about being injured.

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