Memories of the bleachers at Tiger Stadium

Hello Tigers fans– I write about great/inglorious moments in baseball fandom and right now I’m working on the stories of the Tiger Stadium bleachers in the 1980s. Here’s what I’ve done thus far, with the day in 1980 when Jim Campbell first closed them.

If anybody here has good stories/details/memories from those days, put them here, and I'd love to hopefully include some of them in a follow up piece.

Also wanted to share this great 1978 photo. Let me know if you see yourself or someone you know in here!

  1. I went to the bleachers about 20+ times in 1984. What do you want to know?

    There were a lot of chants, “Less Filling, Tastes Great!” Lots of beach balls and a few fights. Overall, a great time for $3.50.

  2. I went to games back in the 80’s but never sat in the bleachers. I always found it funny how they basically had the bleacher creatures fenced in so they couldn’t roam other parts of the ballpark.

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