Goodbye to Cade York

Goodbye to Cade York

  1. We just traded York for a 7th, very nice! I already said goodbye to that pick so that’s how I’m viewing it in my mind

  2. immediate accountability for poor play? this feels weird

    ETA: yes i’m aware of the conditional draft pick of it all but i still think it speaks to the decisiveness of the new FO

  3. Saves the Commanders their 7th round draft pick. Would’ve gone to Cleveland if York played in two games

  4. We hardly knew you & disliked what we saw. Don’t let the door hit you where the good lord split you.

  5. I’d say “don’t kick the dog on the way out”, but I know he would miss it anyways.

  6. I know is is crazy, but has TBae ever stood in for FG/XP before? We know his leg is golden and I don’t want him to get hurt but is that a legit possibility if needed?

  7. ![gif](giphy|26FPKZ6DGtNp4iYbm|downsized)

    if this means a new kicker every week until 1 sticks, im cool with that

  8. I’m actually thinking about standing outside Ashburn with a “Sign K Nick Sciba sign” if this keeps going on.

  9. Why are there so few kickers like Aubrey? Aren’t there tons of semi-pro and failed pro soccer players who could easily learn to kick a football and make 50x what they made in MLS? Aubrey did it with only a year of coaching while holding down a full-time software engineering job…

  10. should have been cut after that kick off mistake I would have let Way or anyone with an ability to kick at all to kick from that point on.

  11. he’s going to end the year 25-30 with 4 FG over 50 yds, and a game winner in the playoffs for someone …. probably the Eagles.

  12. Not surprised, but fuck I thought he’d get one more game. At the very least, bring in a couple more kickers and have a competition for the job this week.

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