Sky’s the Limit

Sky’s the Limit

Sky’s the Limit
byu/AJHami inColts

  1. Fix the fucking field. New turf?? That field was dogshit and dangerous. For a team that wants to make sure we keep our franchise qb,who only played in 4 games last year, healthy- why tf is the first game of the following season an absolute slip-n-slide shitshow?

    We’re lucky af we didn’t lose AR or JT or anyone else right out the gate

    Embarrassing as fuck; just like Gus Bradley’s playcalling

    (PS- I was so hype to see the AR—>Pierce connection immediately get rekindled yesterday. The deep threat is back!)

  2. This throw gets more and more ridiculous with every angle I see.

    He didn’t even have his feet set for a millisecond.

  3. “AP just run and keep running”

    “Ok, but how far do I go?”

    “Whatever you’re thinking, further than that”

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