Chris getz is a liar

From the horse's mouth.

"I think if you would have told me we were going to end up flirting with the record I would have been a little surprised," Getz said on Monday afternoon. "Now if you would have told me prior to the year that we would have ended up with over 100 losses, 105, 110, I wouldn't have been as surprised. But this is the cards that we've been dealt at this point. You try to make the best of it, and I think it's an opportunity to embrace the situation that we're in."

Is this not the same useful idiot who said that because we play in the AL Central, the division is ours to win?

  1. He was also the guy that said he’d be checking in on all the players like Eloy, Moncada and Robert in the offseason to stay healthy and they almost immediately all got injured.

  2. This is why Getz shouldn’t be the GM. He is in way over his head. He should be fired immediately. I was calling for this last December when I saw the shit show that was coming. I said they’d be Oakland As bad and lose 120 games. You have to be a special kind of stupid to build a team this bad. Wait until next year. We may win a few more games but I can see 110 plus losses next year too.

  3. Getz is a liar. Jerry is a liar in saying that hiring Getz was the fastest way to get back in contention. This organization does not respect us. Why should we respect it?

    Edited for typo

  4. >But this is the cards that we’ve been dealt at this point.

    You are the general manager now, Chris. *You are the fucking dealer in this analogy.* We have no top level talent. We have no depth. We have no bullpen. We have no farm system. *You dealt you all of these cards.*

  5. He is moving the goal line for his success. Patent lying and a total lack of accountability. He is on the defensive after the trading deadline fleecing and the realization his scratch of lotto tickets he got are all worthless.

  6. Getz is getting canned at the end of the season guys.

    I know a lot of fans think Jerry (or whoever is in charge) are going to keep him around at least another year, never going to happen, he’ll be “let go” within a week of final game

    Trust me, even Getz is aware of his situation.

  7. At this point nothing he says is believable based upon the disaster we have on our hands. How can anyone trust him for what he’s done on the job so far? He may get us to a 90 or a 100 loss team big deal. I’ve seen nothing that says he is building anything special here. All talk and smoke blown at us.

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