Rob Parker – Cleveland Browns Need to Cut Deshaun Watson Today

Rob Parker – Cleveland Browns Need to Cut Deshaun Watson Today

THE ODD COUPLE – Chris Broussard & Rob Parker react to the latest lawsuit Deshaun Watson is facing for an assault and battery incident that occurred in 2020.

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  1. Andy Berry is trying to normalize criminasls and creeps plaing in the NFL. He should be fired today and I dare say he ran Flacco and Baker so he could have all black qbs which is discrimination.

  2. The can't cut Watson!!! His contact is 💯 percent guaranteed!! The amount of money the Cleveland Browns will lose, via Watson's bad contract will cripple the franchise for 50-60 years!!! You have to stick with him and prays that Watson can pull it together!!!😒👍🏿

  3. Growing up in northeast Ohio I’ve been in Browns fan since I can remember and I’m now 65 years old. Ever since Art left Cleveland for Baltimore and the team was basically restarted as an expansion team, they have been plagued with stupid decisions surrounding a quarterback position. Soon as I heard about this Watson deal, I knew it was a bad idea and I just cringed. Here we go again! You know you would think that a franchise quarterback, such as Tom Brady, for example, Brett Favre, would want to come to Cleveland and play to bring this city a long sought after superbowl win. I can’t think of a better way for a quarterback, to be forever remembered as the quarterback, who ended this long drought for some of the greatest NFL fans ever. All it’s going to take for Cleveland is to find that quarterback, who wants to play for them and bring a championship to their city similar to what LeBron James did for the Cavs. But Cleveland can’t seem to get over this problem. I can’t blame young quarterbacks for wanting to be champions and to have a good chance to make it to the Super Bowl, but I’m just hoping that a franchise quarterback that has already been to the Super Bowl would come to Cleveland and play and get them out of this drought and become immortalized by an entire city forever! The same thing would apply to an already successful coach like Bill Belicheck (sp?) for example. Dee And Jimmy Haslam have got to find a way to change this reputation and or negative image of Cleveland Browns football. Paying Deshaun Watson or any other football player this much money set a very bad precedent for future NFL contracts as we just now saw with Dak Prescott. My opinion, the owners need to get together with the commissioner and find a way to put a cap on these contracts. We’re going to see more and more of this crap and it’s no wonder why it cost so much to be able to watch NFL games and go to actual games nowadays, they have to recoup this ridiculous money somehow and the fans are ultimately paying the price!! Man, I really miss Marty Schottenheimer and Bernie Kosar just a name two 😢. On another sidenote I can’t believe Deshaun Watson had the audacity to show up at a press conference wearing $10,000 bling bracelets and designer diamond stud glasses. This is a slap in the face to Cleveland fans if you ask me.

  4. I'm a DieHard Browns fan. And it's just sad. Our fans are loyal, I'm loyal- and we have a quarterback that might be the most unworthy representative of our football team. This could all be solved, if he could do what you're taught as a high school quarterback. Drop back, plant your foot, and throw the ball on time. I've watched tape of the Dallas game, and we had receivers open all afternoon. I wish that we would just swallow our pride, take our medicine, take the cap hit… And move on. Period. Watson and his Bush League quarterback coach Quincy whatever his name is. Need to kick rocks.

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