Slater is a savage for this πŸ˜‚

Slater is a savage for this πŸ˜‚

  1. He tagged Wilkins while Wilkins is on the ground for being a little bitch? Fucking love that πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  2. This rivalry is regaining steam and I’m here for it. We hit some slow spots since Marty left.

  3. Wilkins is pumping juice for sure. He smacked Herbert for no reason early on a dead play, also rushed Alt on another dead ball when the rest of his team stopped after clearing the whistle. I hope our O-line doesn’t forget about this roid boy’s antics. On the bright side there was a beautiful play where Zion pulled and absolutely flattened him

  4. The fact that our o-line is ranked middle of the pack is laughable. We will shut down anyone. Come at me.

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