Is this an accurate map of our fanbase? (Majority Wise)

Is this an accurate map of our fanbase? (Majority Wise)

  1. I doubt there’s a ton of out of state fans besides in Bama. North Florida has the Jags, Tennessee has the Titans, South Carolina is probably mostly Carolina if I had to guess. Honestly, if you were an out of stater, why would you choose this train wreck franchise?

  2. Lived in Alabama just outside of the red area for most of my life and I still was a die hard fan. Now I live even further away and I’m still a huge fan

  3. At this point south GA is probably about 50/50 Jags and Falcons fans (assuming they even watch the NFL at all)

  4. SE Georgia is more Jags territory, so you can assume that none of Florida goes Falcons. Other than some of the Birmingham Metro, I doubt there’s many Falcons fans out of state.

  5. Based on my experience, I’d believe that a lot of south/southeast GA are Jags fans. They marketed down there pretty aggressively when they first started.

    And I would imagine that the Tallahassee/Big Bend area of Florida would be mostly Tampa Bay fans. They shared a radio announcer with FSU for a long time. Don’t know if Deckerhoff is still around or not..

    Otherwise, seems plausible. 

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