[MKC]Updated: #NFL Special Counsel for Investigations Lisa Friel, who led the investigation into #Browns Deshaun Watson that resulted in his 11-game suspension, is heading up this one too:

[MKC]Updated: #NFL Special Counsel for Investigations Lisa Friel, who led the investigation into #Browns Deshaun Watson that resulted in his 11-game suspension, is heading up this one too:

  1. Thank God, we’ll be out of the rest of the Watson contract. But I’ll be damned if this doesn’t stink to high heaven of Slippin’ Jimmy.

  2. Imagine owning a truck stop company and your managers work behind the scenes to defraud your customers and then your football team doesn’t do its due diligence and mortgages the teams future to sign a piece of human shit like Watson. Jimmy Haslam is an absolute joke.

  3. Imagine being told after the TNF game where we clinched the playoffs that by the next fall SJ would be dead, Jim Donovan would be retired, and all of our hopes would be placed upon an investigation linking our QB1 to even more vile shit than the 20+ other accusations he had already dealt with.

  4. Imagine 4 years ago saying “I can’t wait to bench POS Watson for good-guy Winston”.

    But here we are…

  5. So let’s say he gets suspended. Then we void a contract. What then? DTR time? We just save money to hopefully sign someone else that we draft? Basically this whole fiasco is like we wasted 3 years of first round picks?

  6. ![gif](giphy|EDt1m8p5hqXG8)

    Thank god. This might save our season. But this is pure conjecture at this point. I’m just hoping there’s some justice in the world.

  7. ~~I read her original report: 1.) she’s detailed. 2.) she’s ruthless, and 3.) she fucken hates this dude~~

    EDIT: my bad, I got her mixed up with the report from Sue Robinson.

  8. Will the NFL’s desire to screw the Browns whenever the opportunity presents itself be outweighed by the chance to ensure Watson never plays in a game or represents the league again?

  9. Watson should just retire now. Everyone in the NFL would cheer for him then. He could do air guitars and shit while he is signing and making the best play of his career. XD

  10. Why is everyone so confident he is done for? Does this mean it is true?

    Genuinely asking, just curious why this means he’s toast.

  11. I’m ready to say fuck it and burn this season down to get Watson voided and have a fun Winston season.

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