Dumbest article I have read in a while

This would never happen.

  1. Well, it’s not the first time this Randle trade idea has come up. Not sure how it would work for either team, but never say never.

  2. The next article after this gem is: Troy Aikman Will Return to the NFL as the Next New York Jets Head Coach

    This will also not happen.

  3. I could see a package around either or but not both. I do think it’s why they a both here in case we can land a bigger piece most likely at PF. I don’t think JU is that piece tho!

  4. Honestly our last front office would’ve done that trade post 2011.

    Randle isn’t a bad player, but PJ and Gafford both fill very specific roles needed that Randle simply doesn’t do.

    Hardy I am low on, so I don’t really know what to say there.

    If there is a trade to be made this season, it’s for a backup 4/5 who can stretch the floor. Basically I’m assuming Maxi would be cooked in this case and we need just another guy over 6’9”. Jalen Smith maybe?

  5. What a great idea. Randle is a bad fit for Knicks, so trade him to a team where he is fits even worse.

  6. Lmao for PJ, Gaff, and Hardy. For a guy that’s chronically injured and had the worst shooting start to last season in like 30 years? Nah I’m good bro

  7. Five years too late. I wanted him back when he used to cook us every single time we faced his teams.

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