35 years since the Kings had a Hart winner. I’m praying to the hockey gods one of the youngins will change that this year. Who do you think is LAs best shot of getting this prayer answered?

35 years since the Kings had a Hart winner. I’m praying to the hockey gods one of the youngins will change that this year. Who do you think is LAs best shot of getting this prayer answered?

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  2. Best shot of getting this prayer answered: Byfield or Clarke if they truly blossom into elite players

    Real answer: If Kopi, Drew, and Quick never won it then nobody on this roster is winning it

  3. I’d rather have them make a deep run in the playoffs. Winning the hart trophy, or the presidents trophy, etc doesn’t really mean that much compared to winning the Stanley cup.

  4. >Who do you think is LAs best shot of getting this prayer answered?

    The collective voters of the 2018 NHL Awards when they wake up and realise Kopi deserved it all along.

  5. We’ve only had one PPG season (Kopi’s 2017-18) since Ziggy’s 2002-03. That’s just pitiful.

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