I love / hate my memories … 8 years ago in NOLA, Just Win Baby!

I love / hate my memories … 8 years ago in NOLA, Just Win Baby!

  1. As a Lyfer, I couldn’t believe this happened! I still remember where I was when watching this game. I was so pumped and equally let down when we let Black Jack go….that was our best team in IDK how long man.

  2. That year also featured our only win beating the Ravens in Baltimore. We’re 1-6 in Baltimore since their existence (move from Cleveland) in 1996.

  3. Richard with first carry in NFL and 75yd TD! Still remember that game. Too bad Del Rio lost the team next year.

  4. And some of the more sad/funny memories. Coach Sporano RIP. I will never forget when he buried that football lmao

  5. I was at that game. Such an amazing experience in NOLA! The win was just the cherry on top.

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