But the “Knicks are better without Julius Randle!”

I’m tired of this moronic take.

  1. You can really tell a person’s IQ if they think we’re better off without Randle.

    Even after we switched to a more uptempo offense after he went down last season we STILL had a better performing offense when he was playing

  2. Good to see these threads are dying off. Ju is going to have a monster season this year. And a playoffs that dispels all the bad history people love to harp on. He Back!

  3. Someone pointed this out yesterday, but I also found it hilarious that the ESPN folk in the segment were trying to make the argument that the Knicks were more successful without Randle…..while simultaneously showing stats that contradicted their own stance lol.

    But OP I agree with you, it’s such a tired and asinine take. I find it weird how so many ppl *want* to believe we’re better without Randle….regardless of virtually every statistic and metric shows we aren’t. Just shows how far ppl will go to push certain agendas and narratives…no matter how nonsensical it is.

  4. i appreciate and agree with the spirit of this post, but i’m honestly surprised it is this close. this almost makes it look like replacing randle with any starting-caliber PF, it would be a wash, as opposed to randle being injured without an actual replacement. again, that’s not my opinion. randle was playing his best basketball last season, but these stats are underwhelming.

  5. these stats are a bit misleading and still don’t show the greatest impact from him, if we are being fair.

  6. You can spot the clowns that slept through January and didn’t start watching until the playoffs.

  7. The media has been trying to stir up Randle drama all off-season. It is annoying as hell. Randle is still underrated and disrespected.

  8. These are terrible unreliable stats because the with/without Randle stats also coincide with/without OG as well. ESPN needs a story and the Knicks have been that whether they’re prepared for it or not.

  9. The people that think Knicks are better without him are wrongly equating pace and an admittedly aesthetically more enjoyable brand of basketball with actually being better.

  10. Mikal: So, where y’all want to go out to eat?

    Jalen: I’d like to go to the steakhouse.

    Josh: Ok, as long as they have breastmilk.

  11. You know what it really comes down to? Fans believe an offense that looks pretty is always better than an offense that grits and grinds. Now, I do believe in easy offense. I think it gets others involved, it creates a greater sense of teamwork with the ball zipping around, and with more spacing, you do get up a lot of shots and transition. But it isn’t always your best basketball, and teams still put the ball in the hands of their best players. It just looks more fun to watch. When Julius is out, we play small ball. Small ball is fun, not necessarily sustainable, or your best look.

  12. I’ve been so plugged into other sports, I forgot we got Mikal fuckin Bridges in the off season, I’m so excited.

  13. Would love to see how this team performs w Brunson og and Randle together, w out Randle, and w out og. I think it’d be rly interesting to see which of those 2 have a bigger impact on this team

  14. Said nobody, ever (at least NYK fans recently)

    Truth be told I have no idea why media pulls random shit like this, and why they are always hating on us and Julius specifically

  15. I’ll never understand the absolute hate that Randle gets from all fans. He’s a 3 Time all star 2 time all nba player and the internet treats him like he’s some
    End of the bench lucky to be in rotation guy

  16. People seem to forget when no one else wanted that kind of smoke and attention he came here and balled out for us and single handedly took us to the playoffs so he and tibbs are the cornerstones who made us relevant again and we definitely need him on this team 💯

  17. every game without randle, in half the possessions we can say “i wish we had randle”. the idea of needing a reliable 2nd option was apparent almost every game. every1 loves cohesive team basketball, but sometimes we need cheat code stuff where a 6’8 guy overwhelms you with his scoring ability.

  18. Randle is an explosive 1st Quarter player and we really struggled to win 1st quarters without him. The playoffs especially.

  19. Only toxic media members and haters still believe that we’re better without an all star monster

    Getting a 3rd ball handler and shooter in Mikal is only going to make him deadlier without the ability to throw double and triple teams at him and JB as effectively.

    We made 2nd seed and game 7 of round 2 with our 2nd and 3rd stringers as starters. If Divo and Hart can stay hot coming off the bench or we throw more staggered/ mixed lineups out, there’s no way we arent a true level contender.

    The only chemistry wise adjustment we need is more JB to Mitch lobs, it seemed like IQ was way better with that.

  20. I agree with the sentiment and you’re referencing stats from a team that hadn’t integrated OG and didn’t have bridges.

    The thing nba fans like most is theoretical trade exercises, so I get it.

    But, for me I’m happy to see them add OG and bridges with Julius ti a team that snagged the 2 seed last year. Lots of firepower for coach

  21. the only jerseys i own are 1. my dad’s john starks, 2. my jeremy lin from linsanity, and 3. RANDLE, not saying i don’t love all the knicks but julius is a new york legend and i will never forget what he did and will do for the franchise. i can’t wait for the championship ‼️

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