Game Preview picks

I hate this team

  1. Even if we won last week, we still wouldn’t have been favored in this game. So yeah, this checks out.

  2. I see they got us scoring more than 20 pts in some of these πŸ˜ŽπŸ€™πŸ»


  3. Jalen Hurts is gonna toss us 1 or 2, and Kirk and the Zac Robinson are gonna realize the season started. Big W incoming

  4. Historically, we struggle against the Eagles for some reason. Also, the were pretty recently in a Superbowl, and always in the playoffs now, and they have been undefeated for a large part early in the season forn2 years now.. But, we saw in that Greenbay game, they have flaws too. If the Pack could have scored more than FGs off of their 3 turnovers, they would have won. Hopefully our D will be just as good at least, and hopefully our offense will start to click, we can beat them. This IS a winnable game, but it will be difficult. Our first 6 games are gonna be a real slog.

  5. So basically everyone expects us to score multiple touchdowns? They’re also predicting a lot of scoring, period. Unless Philly totally demolishes us, I don’t think a ton of points are getting scored.

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