Anyone else notice Jayden Daniels always seems to be smiling after each play?

I first noticed in the preseason, but after week one he definitely seemed to be smiling and laughing. Seems like a guy who genuinely enjoys playing football and is happy to be there. Gotta love it.

  1. No hate, I love it. If he keeps diving headfirst on all of his runs he’s not going to be smiling much longer

  2. It was his first NFL game so he was probably really excited! He also loves the game, so that’s a plus.

    Hopefully that smile is still there when we’re 3-10…

  3. Na. No reason to smile during poor outing and loss. Especially after missed plays. Lack of maturity. Also didn’t learn how to put on helmet that they teach you in pee wee football

  4. The best way to play sports is loose. Maybe doesn’t apply to every sport, but I’d say most

  5. If he plays well and we win, he’s out there having fun. If he plays bad and we lose, he’s not taking it seriously.

  6. jesus some of these comments are miserable. god forbid a player enjoys playing the game. i’m happy to have a talented QB

  7. I did notice that and that actually makes me quite happy to see that he’s keeping his head up even in a loss. You don’t want the leader to be acting depressed and mopey when you need a comeback.

  8. He’s a psycho. I think he was smiling when his helmet got knocked off after a scramble but I love it

  9. one of the announcers said mid-game he’d been sacked a hundred some odd times in his college career and got up smiling every time, gotta love it

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